Many Ohioans are just now beginning to learn that we are near the bottom among the states in terms of babies, and especially African-American babies, dying before their first birthday. Our fellow citizens
are also beginning to learn some of the reasons why this sad situation exists as well as what can be done do to turn it around. Despite many long-running local and statewide efforts, the status quo is not working catch us up to other states and the nation.
Things must change. Raising awareness to a much higher and broader level is essential for needed changes to take place.
National Infant Mortality Awareness Month is a great opportunity to reinforce the message and make sure folks in every part of Ohio begin to think about and
do something about improving the health of our women and babies by making positive changes in their own communities.
Work with your employer, local hospital, health department, community health clinic, club, civic organization, church, or temple to sponsor and organize an event focusing
attention on infant mortality.- Talk to women you know of child-bearing age about reproductive health planning, good nutrition/folic acid/weight control, smoking cessation, and safe-sleep practices for babies.
- Support breastfeeding, the best way to feed babies which is also good for the health of mothers.
- Support your local hospitals, health department, and medical providers in efforts to educate women about having healthy babies.
- Contact your local media and government officials with information about National Infant Mortality Awareness Month.
- Plan on attending and spread the word about the Dec. 3-4 Infant Mortality Summit in Columbus (details coming soon).